Starting this academic year, the State government has decided to distribute the question papers for the midterm examination (Summative Assessment-1) for class 10 students following the State Board curriculum through the Karnataka State Examination and Assessment Board (KSEAB).

However, the lack of a specific examination schedule or formal order regarding the distribution of question papers from either the Department of School Education and Literacy (DSEL) or the KSEAB has caused confusion among teachers about how to conduct the exams.

Following DSEL’s instructions, Deputy Directors of Public Instruction (DDPIs) in many districts have begun preparations for the SA-1 exams scheduled to begin on September 19. In some districts, the exams are scheduled for September 23 or 24.

DDPIs are taking steps to prepare the question papers at the district level and send them to the headmasters of the respective schools. However, most schools are still awaiting an official government order regarding the provision of question papers from the KSEAB and a confirmed examination schedule.

The core issue

Previously, SA-1 exams were conducted at the school level, with teachers preparing and distributing the question papers themselves. However, after several reform measures, including webcasting, resulted in a significant drop in class 10 results for the 2023-24 academic year, the government decided to issue question papers through KSEAB.

KSEAB will send them in PDF format to the login IDs of Block Education Officers (BEOs) on the day of the exam. The BEOs will then forward the papers to the headmasters, who will print or photocopy them for distribution to students. Additionally, the exams are to be conducted under webcasting supervision in schools equipped with the necessary technology, such as computers and webcams.

Exam schedule

Based on a webinar held on August 31, DDPIs were instructed by DSEL officials to conduct the SA-1 exams at the district level. Consequently, DDPIs in Kalaburagi and Raichur districts announced that exams will begin on September 19, with question papers prepared and distributed by their offices.

Meanwhile, other districts, including Bengaluru and Mysuru, have scheduled their exams for September 23, but there is still uncertainty regarding the distribution of question papers.

“Following the DDPI’s directive, we have started preparations to conduct the SA-1 exams for classes 8, 9, and 10 from September 19. Initially, we were informed that the question papers would be distributed from the DDPI office, but now there is confusion due to the department’s announcement that KSEAB will issue the papers. No official order or examination schedule has been received from either the department or KSEAB,” said the headmaster of a Government High School in Raichur district.

“There is a lack of clarity about the Class 10 SA-1 exam question paper this year. We are getting ready to conduct the exam on September 23, following the department’s guidelines. If KSEAB provides the question paper, we will distribute it to class 10 students; if not, the papers being prepared by the Association of Headmasters of Private Schools will be used for the SA-1 exam,” stated a Headmaster of a private school in Bengaluru.

Separate examination

Meanwhile, the Directorate of Minorities has issued a schedule for conducting the SA-1 exams from September 23 in residential schools following the State curriculum and Moulana Azad Model Schools under its jurisdiction. The Directorate also clarified that the question papers would be prepared and distributed by its education section’s resource team.

“Due to a lack of coordination between DSEL, KSEAB, and other departments, teachers are struggling to conduct the SA-1 exams. The Directorate of Minorities said it would provide question papers to schools under its jurisdiction, but KSEAB has also announced that it will issue question papers to class 10 students. Without an official order or specific schedule, we are unsure whether to follow our department’s schedule or that of DSEL. The situation remains unclear,” said the headmaster of Moulana Azad Model School, Bengaluru.

When contacted by The Hindu, Gopalakrishna H.N., Director of KSEAB, stated, “The SA-1 exams will start on September 24 as per the guidelines issued by the department, and the Board will prepare and send the question papers for class 10 students. I am not aware of the different schedules issued for conducting the SA-1 exams in various districts. The Board will issue a comprehensive schedule soon.”

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