Sister Shivani, a Brahmakumari, spiritual teacher, and one of the best motivators, is a woman many people look upto. Her speeches, actions, advice, and the lessons she gives have inspired and motivated people to build a better life for themselves.
She also regularly talks about the power of affirmations and spiritual well-being, and one of her videos is doing rounds online where she advises a 5-second break before drinking water and eating food and how those 5-seconds can give people inner peace, and prosperity.

Water, affirmations, and the power of these two

Some people might have a question – What are affirmations in the first place? Well, simply put, affirmations are positive statements that we repeat to ourselves, believe in, and subconsciously train our minds to believe in our power to make those statements true.
Now as a follow-up, some people might ask – How can water, a liquid, help in affirmations? Well, water is a life-giving force, and without it, humans have very slim chances of staying alive. So, it is believed that water has the energy to absorb and send back positive intentions and vibrations.


In many cultures, water is seen as purifying and pious. Be it Gangajal, holy water, zam zam well, or more. And so, this water also has the ability to purify your thoughts, set your inventions, and help you achieve great things in life.

Sister Shivani’s 5-second rule

In a video going viral online, Sister Shivani can be heard sharing her 5-second rule with water. She explains how she has grown up hearing that water has a certain power and so before she drinks water she waits for 5 seconds. She goes on to explain that she fills water in a glass, waits for 5 seconds, and then drinks that water.
What does she do in those 5 seconds? She says some affirmations.
Sister Shivani explained that first she thanks ‘Parmatma’ for the water she is about to drink and then says a few affirmations like – I am always calm, I am happy, I am powerful, I am free from disease, and the likes.
And at the end of these affirmations, she drinks the water.

Diya (3)

These affirmations are not difficult to pronounce, they are not elaborate ‘Mantras’ for which you need a Guru, they are not even Sanskrit shlokas that you have to memorise! They are just simple, day-to-day wishes that are said in a way that makes them affirmations.

The benefits of these affirmations

These affirmations are simple, help in everyday life, and can have a positive, calming effect on the person. When these affirmations are chanted 7-8 times everyday, overtime, in about a month (more or less) your body is used to the positivity that they bring, is happy with how well you are thinking, and your mindset in general starts to change.
Sister Shivani also mentions that these affirmations do not even take about a full minute of your day, but the benefits they will give will stay with you for years.

Daily practice for inner peace

Overall, Sister Shivani’s 5-second rule before eating or drinking water is not just giving you 5 seconds of doing something good for your mental health, but also helping you in quite reflection. When you do something as part of daily habit, but then start pausing through the day to chant something simple, you are doing your body and mind a simple favour by helping it rest for a moment.
So, the next time you wish to drink a glass of water, or are sitting down to have a hearty meal, remember to pause for 5 seconds, thank the Gods for the clean water and healthy food you have, tell yourself that you are powerful, calm, healthy, good-natured, and more, and drink the water or eat the food with the intention of bringing everyone of these affirmations come true.
Plus, affirmations have been used since time immemorial. Our ancestors used them in the form of mantras, then as visualisations, as cleansing techniques, and much more.

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