Amid a flurry of controversial reinterpretations of the Onam festival by certain preachers, the Catholic Church in Kerala has now clarified its stance, alleviating concerns about Christians participating in the celebrations.

Following a directive from the Doctrinal Commission of the Syro-Malabar Church, theologian Fr. Sebastian Chalakkal has prepared a note addressing why Onam, a cultural festival, should not be given a religious emphasis. The note addresses the growing trend of preachers discouraging Christians from celebrating Onam.

Interfaith dialogue

“These people claim that celebrating Onam goes against Christian teachings and violates God’s commandments,” the note states. It goes on to elaborate on the Catholic Church’s relationship with other religious groups, its approach to rituals of different faiths, and the importance of interfaith dialogue, clarifying the Church’s stance on Onam.

“Keralites view Onam as a cultural festival, and Christians celebrate it not as part of any religious practice,” the note explains. It emphasises that all aspects of Onam celebrations — from the grand feasts and floral decorations to traditional performances such as Pulikali — are celebrations of cultural pride, not religious rituals.

The note also encourages people not to associate Onam with any specific set of beliefs but to embrace it as a symbol of love and brotherhood.

Reason for response

Commenting on the necessity of the note, Church sources pointed to the recent surge of videos on social media, in which certain preachers urge Christians not to celebrate Onam, particularly in Church-run institutions and parishes. “These new preachers, with the support of a small but vocal segment of the laity, are attempting to disrupt the communal harmony of our society,” said a senior priest. “The Syro-Malabar Church felt it was important to respond by bringing out this note, which has been circulated to all dioceses.”

To further support the Church’s position, the priest highlighted various cultural practices that the Christian community has adopted over time, such as the tying of the nuptial knot during weddings and rites performed during house warming which originates from local traditions.

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