- socially bharat
- December 2, 2024
South Korean Chungbuk National University to Install First Quantum Computer IQM Spark
Cheongju, South Korea: This is the first full-stack quantum computer to be installed at the Chungbuk National University campus.
Cheongju, South Korea: This is the first full-stack quantum computer to be installed at the Chungbuk National University campus.
Taipei, Taiwan: The purchase is Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute’s (TSRI) first full-stack superconducting quantum computer. This will help TSRI
A Reddit user has raised concerns about the influx of Indian students pursuing Master’s degrees in US universities. The 26-year-old woman, born and brought up
MilDef, has today, November 13, announced the acquisition of roda computer GmbH, a German company specialized in the product segment
Espoo, Finland: IQM will deliver a “Radiance Star 24-qubit” full stack quantum computer to the IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre
During a March 8 webinar sponsored by the NIEHS Mixtures Cross-Divisional Group, toxicologist Julia Rager, Ph.D., from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill