African rock python: The only snake species that hunts in packs – physical traits, diet, habitat, and more |

Most snake species are solitary hunters, but there is a rare and remarkable group, however, which hunts in teams. Some species of snakes collaborate with


What your Chinese zodiac sign says about you: Insights for the Year of the Snake

Comprising a 12-year cycle, the Chinese zodiac (Shengxiao) assigns unique traits to those born during each year represented by an animal. Approaching the Lunar New


King cobra: The world’s longest venomous snake now classified into four species; know more about newly discovered species |

The world’s longest venomous snake, called the king cobra, is actually divided into four species now due to reclassifications according to recent findings. This classification


How long do king cobras live? Understand the lifespan of king cobras and other snake species and what determines their life cycle |

Snakes are often viewed with a combination of fascination and fear, mainly because of their possibly dangerous venom and sometimes elusive nature. However, it must


‘Every hour, six people die of snake bite in India’: Herpetologist Sumanth Bindumadhav

umanth Bindumadhav reveals startling figures: 10 lakh snakebite cases annually, resulting in 58,000 deaths – that’s six lives lost every hour. The burden falls heavily


Every Hour, Six People Die Of Snake Bite In India: Herpetologist Sumanth Bindumadhav

WATCH: As Karnataka becomes the first State to make snakebites a notifiable disease, Bindumadhav discusses the potential for data-driven solutions. | Video Credit: Interview: Vikhar


NHRC, India takes suo motu cognizance of the reported death of a snake bite victim due to the delay in treatment caused by the apathy of police personnel in the Kaimur district of Bihar

NHRC, India takes suo motu cognizance of the reported death of a snake bite victim due to the delay in treatment caused by the apathy