DecideAct A/S [ACT] 

DecideAct A/S (the Company) has signed a letter of intent (LOI) with the purpose to receive a binding offer from a US-listed company. The potential acquirer specializes in investing in SaaS companies and wants to acquire a minimum of 51% of the outstanding warrants/shares in DecideAct A/S.

Details of the offer:

The LOI states that the acquirer intends to make a binding offer to the shareholders of DecideAct A/S by 1 December 2024, to acquire at least ACT shares incl. warrants equal to 11.208.447 ordinary shares in DecideAct A/S corresponding to a minimum of 51% of the shares in the Company.

The intended offer and valuation are subject to a successful due diligence review of DecideAct A/S. The intended transaction includes that the current shareholders of DecideAct A/S will be offered to convert their shares into shares in the US company. The specific details will be included in a binding offer.

The transaction is planned to be completed on 14 February 2025.

DecideAct expects that a successful transaction will support the company’s future growth and its mission to become a leading player in the industry.

The acquisition will not negatively impact DecideAct’s current customers, or the services provided, and Danish customers will continue to have access to Danish language solutions and support.

The name of the acquirer cannot yet be disclosed.

Contact Information

CEO, Flemming Videriksen

+1 (949) 670-9224
DecideAct A/S
Østre Kajgade 3, 3730 Nexø, Denmark

About DecideAct:

DecideAct is a provider of SaaS software and solutions that move manual execution and follow-up of strategy to a cloud-based Strategy Execution Management platform. By rethinking the way strategy is executed, DecideAct has created a groundbreaking tool that is relevant to all companies and organizations, public or private, in all industries, geographies, functional roles, and their mission-critical priorities related to achieving strategic goals. DecideAct’s vision is to modernize strategic leadership through technology.

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