Today, Veidekke has signed a contract with Tysvær municipality to build the Helsekvartalet complex in Aksdal. Helsekvartalet will consist of 120 homes with 24/7 staffing, premises for the home care services, a daytime activity centre and medical services. The contract is a design and build contract valued at approx. NOK 680 million excluding VAT.
“We appreciate the confidence shown in us and are very proud to build the new health complex in Aksdal. This will be an important building for the municipality’s residents, where many users, employees and services will be affected. We especially appreciate that we and our partners have been able to participate in and develop the project from day one along with Tysvær municipality and the users’ representatives. Broad involvement yields better solutions, predictability and greater ownership in the project from all parties,” says district manager Bendik Aarstad of Veidekke Bygg Rogaland.
The health complex will help Tysvær municipality face challenges related to an ageing population, and the goal is to create an environment that is inclusive and that promotes well-being, quality of life and fellowship. The building will be 16,600 m2 across four storeys with 88 short and long-term spaces, 32 sheltered housing units, premises for physical therapy, occupational therapy, mental health services and daytime and activity services for the elderly and other target groups. There will be different zones with a café, common areas, smaller meeting places, a sensory garden, a production kitchen and a green park area.
There will be widespread use of solar panels and ground heating for cooling and heating with 24 energy wells at the health centre. The goal is to classify it as energy class A with a greenhouse shell that meets the passive house standard, and a greenhouse gas reduction of 40% compared to reference buildings where concrete is used in the load-bearing system, by using extremely low-carbon concrete.
“We are very pleased with Veidekke and their consultants, architects and technical group. The entire project planning group with the client and users has worked as one team towards a common proposal. Throughout this phase, we have arrived at the solutions that we have been looking for within the economic framework we have set,” says project manager John Fredrik Rognsvaag in Tysvær Municipality.
The project will be carried out in collaboration between Veidekke’s departments in Stavanger, Haugesund and Bergen. Construction work starts in November, with completion scheduled for the third quarter of 2027. The contract is included in Veidekke’s order backlog for Q4 2024.
For further information, please contact:
Bendik Aarstad, district manager, Veidekke Bygg Rogaland, tel +47 911 93 701, bendik.aarstad@veidekke.no
Helge Dieset, Communications Manager, Veidekke, tel. +47 90 55 33 22, helge.dieset@veidekke.no
John Fredrik Rognsvaag, social development manager, Tysvær municipality, tel. +47 932 16 685, john-fredrik.rognsvaag@tysver.kommune.no
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Veidekke is one of Scandinavia’s largest contractors. In addition to undertaking all types of building and civil engineering assignments, the group also maintains roads and produces asphalt and aggregates. Veidekke emphasises stakeholder involvement and local experience. Annual turnover is approx. NOK 43 billion, and almost half of its 8,000 employees own shares in the company. Veidekke is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and has posted a profit every year since its inception in 1936.